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Title ISSN Country Area SJIFactor
2021 2022 2023 2024
Research Journal of Philosophy & Social Sciences 2454-7026 M 8.324 8.904 8.902 8.904
Artistic Narration 2395-7247 M 8.298 8.851 8.898 8.898
Journal Global Values 2454-8391 M 8.222 8.808 8.835 8.888
Shodh Manthan 2454-339X M 8.354 8.783 8.87 8.877
Review Journal of Philosophy and Social Science 2454-3403 M 8.28 8.749 8.862 8.867
Review Journal Of Political Philosophy 2454-3411 M 8.232 8.734 8.858 8.857
Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes 1514-3465 M 8.386 8.391 8.513 8.854
International Journal of Research 2231-6124 M 7.662 8.694 8.734 8.852
Journal of Soils and Crops 2582-2756 M 8.222 8.308 8.624 8.764
IDEAL RESEARCH REVIEW 0973-0583 M 8.35 7.985 8.618 8.759
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences 2249-3905 M 8.202 8.308 8.123 8.741
Voyager: A Journal of Life Sciences 2455-054X M 7.31 8.005 8.419 8.687

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