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Journal of Soils and Crops

SJIF 2024:
Area: Multidisciplinary
Evaluated version: print
Previous evaluation SJIF
2023: 8.624
2022: 8.308
2021: 8.222
2020: 7.535
The journal is indexed in:
Basic information  
Main title Journal of Soils and Crops
ISSN 2582-2756 (E) / 0971-2836 (P)
Country  India
Frequency Biannual
License Free for educational use
Texts availability Paid
Contact Details  
Editor-in-chief M.Sc(Agri), Ph.D Rajesh Deotale
Publisher Association Of Soils And Crops Research Scientists
  Dr. R. D. Deotale (Secretary, ASCRS) 21, Anand Nagar, Atrey Layout, Near Datta Meghe College , Ranapratap Nagar Post Office, Nagpur, 440022 (Maharashtar) India.
Journal's description  
The Society Association of Soils and Crops Research Scientists is publishing a research journal entitled Journal of Soils and Crops since 1991 regularly without fail from Nagpur (Maharashtra) India.
It publishes research papers form abroad and India covering most of the disciplines of agriculture and other sciences. This journal has citation in CAB International Information Service UK, SAARC Agricultural Information Centre(Dhaka) Bangladesh, NISCAIR New Delhi. This journal also have NAAS Rating of 4.46 . The objective of the association is to hone the research skills of the budding researchers and to provide a platform for the academies unseasoned but promising scholars and any individuals who can offer innovative and novel ideas to the society for its betterment's

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