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Journal of Aerospace Engineering & Technology

SJIF 2025:
Under evaluation
Area: Multidisciplinary
Evaluated version: online
Previous evaluation SJIF
2024: Not indexed
2023: 6.009
2022: 6.093
2021: 6.195
The journal is indexed in:
Basic information  
Main title Journal of Aerospace Engineering & Technology
ISSN 2231-038X (E) / 2348-7887 (P)
Country  India
Frequency 3 times a year
License Free for non-commercial use
Texts availability Paid
Contact Details  
Editor-in-chief Dr. Michael Shoikhedbrod
  Director, Electromagnetic Impulse Inc., 21 Four Winds Drive, Unit 12, North York, Ontario M3J 1K7, Canada
Publisher STM Journals, An Imprint Of Consortium E-Learning Network Pvt. Ltd.
  A-118, 1st Floor, Sector-63, Noida, U.P. India, Pin – 201301
Journal's description  
Journal of Aerospace Engineering & Technology [2231-038X(e)] is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2011 and is focused on the rapid publication of fundamental research papers on all areas of Aerospace Engineering & Technology.

Focus and Scope
Aeroacoustics: propagation of sound, Aeroacoustics of hot jets, Aeroacoustics of flight vehicles: theory and practice, military aircraft, automobile, high-speed train aeroacoustics, aerodynamic noise, jet mixing noise; screech tones; broadband shock associated noise and methods for suppression; the near-ground acoustic environment of Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing (STOVL) aircraft; weapons bay aeroacoustics, cavity acoustics, closed-loop feedback control of aeroacoustic phenomena; computational aeroacoustics.

Aircraft Structures and Designing: fuselage, wings, an empennage, landing gear, and a powerplant, cargo, controls, accessories, single-engine aircraft,single-engine aircraft, Monocoque, Semi-Monocoque, welded steel truss, Navy aircraft, helicopters, Monoplanes Structures, Biplanes Structures, analysis, manufacturing and validation, aerodynamic forces, aerodynamic stresses, Composite materials, Bonded scarf repair, Non-destructive testing, Composite machining, Surface preparation, Adhesive bonding.

Aeroelasticity, Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics: Computational Fluid Dynamics, Structural Dynamics, Airfoil Flight Dynamics, RotorsWind Turbines, Fluid-Structure Interaction, Lattice Method, Scope of aeroelasticity, Fluid-structure interaction: some issues about the aeroelastic problem, Piezoelectric Aeroelastic Energy, turbomachines, aircraft design, Fluid-Solid Interaction Dynamics, Weight, lift, thrust, drag, hot air balloon, Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines, the aerodynamics of insect flight, Kramer effect, delayed stall, quasi-steady modeling, flapping flight, kinematics, forces, flows, leading-edge vortex.

Aircraft Stability and Control: aerodynamic forces, aerodynamic stresses, Positive static stability, Neutral static stability, Negative static stability, Positive dynamic stability, Neutral dynamic stability, Negative dynamic stability, Mean Aerodynamic Chord, the motion of an airplane, Navigation and Guidance, Aircraft design, Aerodynamics, Flight dynamics, Flight control, aircraft systems, air transportation, air traffic management, and multidisciplinary design optimization of aircraft, flight mechanics, flight and ground testing, applied computational fluid dynamics, flight safety, weather and noise hazards, human factors, airport design, airline operations, application of computers to aircraft CFDSimulation, SimSAC Project, Integrated Optimization Methods.

Flight Simulation, Mechanics, and Testing: Aircraft design aerodynamics, Flight dynamics, Flight control, CFDSimulation, SimSAC Project, artificial intelligence/expert systems, production methods, engineering economic analyses, affordability, reliability, maintainability, and logistics support, integration of propulsion and control systems into aircraft design and operations, aircraft aerodynamics (including unsteady aerodynamics), structural design/dynamics, aeroelasticity, and aeroacoustics. It publishes papers on general aviation, military and civilian aircraft, UAV, STOL, and V/STOL, and subsonic, supersonic, transonic, and hypersonic aircraft.

Propulsion and Combustion: hybrid rocket motor, Air vehicle engineering, Space vehicle, and satellite engineering, Environment, Air defense systems, Aerial recognition and defense, Aerospace contribution to C4ISR systems, Aerospace science in Network Centric Warfare, Aerospace electronic warfare, Air transport systems, Air Traffic Management, Earth observation, Aerospace communications, Instrumentation.

Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV*S): Surveillance, Unmanned aerial vehicles, Airplanes, Satellite ground stations, Global Positioning Systems, Image recognition, Cameras, Fires, Robot sensing systems, Payloads, aircraft landing guidance, mobile robots, remotely operated vehicles, video surveillance, quad-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle, heterogeneous system, human control.

Avionics and Systems: Materials and structures, Flight mechanics, Navigation, guidance and control, Acoustics, Optics, Electromagnetism and radar, Signal and image processing, Information processing, Data fusion, Complex system engineering, Wireless sensor networks, Communication system security, Reliability, Base stations, Path planning, Aircraft.

Electrotechnology and Mathematics: Networking architectures, quad-rotor, fixed wing, dragon flyer, UAV, connectivity, autonomy, emergence, unmanned and system, unmanned aerial vehicles, wireless communication systems, terrestrial communications, high-altitude platforms,on-demand wireless systems, low-altitude UAVs, communication channels, short-range line-of-sight links,energy-constrained UAVs, mobile UAVs, networking architecture.

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