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Open Access Journal of Addiction and Psychology (OAJAP)

SJIF 2024:
Under evaluation
Area: Multidisciplinary
Evaluated version: online
Previous evaluation SJIF
2023: Not indexed
2022: Not indexed
2021: Not indexed
2020: Not indexed
The journal is indexed in:
Basic information  
Main title Open Access Journal of Addiction and Psychology (OAJAP)
ISSN 2641-6271 (E)
Country  USA
Frequency Bimonthly
License All rights reserved - no automatic licence
Texts availability Free
Journal's description  
Open Access Journal of Addiction and Psychology (OAJAP) is a multidisciplinary journal that deals with research outlet and theoretical contributions that are leading in psychology and addiction research world. It views addictive behavior as arising from psychological processes within the individual and the social context. OAJAP forms an influential venue to express the views that are trending in Psychology and the major challenges faced by humans in their life style that leads to addiction. We publish articles of general interest on biomedical, environmental, social and political determinants of health which affects the people. OAJAP is a monthly published journal which provides a forum to submit their all types of articles like Editorial, Letter to Editor, Research, Review, Case Report, Short Communication, Perspectives, Mini Review, Clinical Images, e-Books, Video articles etc.

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