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Heterocyclic Letters

SJIF 2025:
Under evaluation
Area: Science
Evaluated version: online
Previous evaluation SJIF
2024: Not indexed
2023: 6.134
2022: 6.532
2021: 6.822
The journal is indexed in:
Basic information  
Main title Heterocyclic Letters
ISSN 2230-9632 (E) / 2231-3087 (P)
URL http://www.heteroletters
Country  India
Frequency Quarterly
License Free for educational use
Texts availability Free
Contact Details  
Editor-in-chief DR. VANDANA GUPTA
Journal's description  
The sole purpose of “Heterocyclic letters” is to publish research publications on all aspects of heterocyclic chemistry like fundamental aspects, new trends in the synthesis, structure and reactivity of heterocyclic compounds, their physical and chemical properties .The applications of these compounds in pharmaceutical and process chemistry for the benefits of community. Heterocyclic compounds originated from either natural chemistry or organic chemistry or medicinal chemistry. This relationship between interdisciplines arises because heterocyclic molecules are fundamental building blocks of biological systems. Basically heterocyclic compounds are a class of organic compounds containing a ring structure which can be aromatic or nonaromatic and made up of more than one kind of atom, usually carbon plus another hetero- atoms. These compounds are structurally similar to cyclic organic hydrocarbons, but their properties can vary widely from those of their hydrocarbon counterparts and are largely governed by the identity, location and number of hetero-atoms present in the molecule. Heterocyclic compounds play a big role in organic chemistry and because they have different electron configurations from carbon, they react differently from carbon rings and differently from each other. In addition to its importance to biology, heterocyclic chemistry has also been study in diverse areas such as coordination compounds, polymeric materials, dyes and in many other fields.

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