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International Journal of Research in Management

SJIF 2024:
Under evaluation
Area: Multidisciplinary
Evaluated version: online
Previous evaluation SJIF
2023: Not indexed
2022: 6.193
2021: 6.217
2020: 6.625
The journal is indexed in:
Basic information  
Main title International Journal of Research in Management
ISSN 2249-5908 (E)
Country  India
Frequency Monthly
License Free for educational use
Texts availability Free
Journal's description  
The objectives of IJRM are to establish an effective channel of communication between management, policy makers, government agencies and academics with the complex task of management development in societal and organizational context. It takes a multifunctional, multi-disciplinary, international approach to the issues facing those for whom management development is an important concern. It presents the research, experiences, and insights of academics, consultants, practicing managers, economists, scientists, sociologists, and thoughtful contributors from other professions and disciplines.

Since approaches to management development often differ in different economies and cultures, IJRM draws on the work of authors from all over the world. Articles are based on empirical research, well-considered observations of management experience, and state-of-the-art reviews of important issues as well as conceptual and theoretical developments. The scope is broad, taking account of those issues that are crucial to successful management in the organisation's external as well as internal environment. The intent is to be informative, thought-provoking, and intellectually challenging and thereby to contribute to the development of better managers. IJRM considers issues related to corporate responsibility and CEO effectiveness through practical, real-world discussions and analysis of past, present and future concern.

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