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International Journal of Instructional Technology and Educational Studies

SJIF 2024:
Under evaluation
Area: Social sciences
Evaluated version: online
Previous evaluation SJIF
2023: Not indexed
2022: 3.155
2021: 3.14
2020: Not indexed
The journal is indexed in:
Basic information  
Main title International Journal of Instructional Technology and Educational Studies
Other title [English] ijites
Abbreviated title ijites
ISSN 2682-3926 (E) / 2682-3918 (P)
Country  Egypt
Frequency Quarterly
License Free for non-commercial use
Texts availability Free
Contact Details  
Editor-in-chief Prof Moustafa Abdelkhalek
  Professor of Instructional Technology, Tanta University, Faculty of Education, Egypt Manager of Digital Design and Publishing Research Unit (DDPRU)
Publisher Tanta University, Faculty Of Education
Journal's description  
International Journal of Instructional Technology and Educational Studies (IJITES) is an international, educational, scientific, open-access journal.

The journal is the official publication of Tanta University, Faculty of Education, Digital Design and Publishing Research Unit (DDPRU) in Tanta City.

The publication's languages of the journal are English brief when indicated.

The journal is published online on the Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB) Platform and has a dynamic interactive submission and reviewing system. The journal has its unique numbers of International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) which used to identify a print and electronic periodical (journal) title. It also has DOI: Digital Object Identifier (DOI) which used to uniquely identify online each journal article.

It is periodically published every three month with independent and unbiased peer-review principles. It has a double blinded peer-review option. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Educational Studies (IJITES) invite the articles of the highest scientific level in all fields of Education, from all over the world. The journal publishes original articles in experimental, Academic, Educational and Instructional Technology researches.

The journal’s target includes Academic Educational researchers Working in:-

Learning and Instruction
Teaching and Teacher Education
Methodology of the Social Sciences
Education, general
Educational Technology
Instructional technology
Computers and Education
Providers/professionals who are interested or working in all Educational disciplines.

Open access This journal is open access one, making your article freely available to all via EKB, the Science Direct, Google Scholar, ERIC, EBSCO, Proquest and many other scientific platforms.
The journal is an Open Access journal. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles under the following conditions:

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