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Creative Flight

SJIF 2024:
Under evaluation
Area: Arts & Humanities
Evaluated version: online
Previous evaluation SJIF
2023: Not indexed
2022: 4.061
2021: 3.569
2020: 3.311
The journal is indexed in:
Basic information  
Main title Creative Flight
Other title [English] Creative Flight
Abbreviated title CF
ISSN 2582-6158 (E)
Country  India
Frequency Biannual
License Free for non-commercial use
Texts availability Free
Contact Details  
Editor-in-chief Assistant Teacher Dipak Giri
  Katamari High School (H.S.) P.O. Elajanerkuthi Distt. Cooch Behar State- West Bengal PIN- 736157
Publisher Creative Flight
  Ward No. 19, Debibari, Sushil Das Pally P.O. + Distt. - Cooch Behar State- West Bengal PIN- 736101 (India)
Journal's description  
Creative Flight, as we all know, means the flight for creation. The name itself suggests the famous mythical flight of Prometheus, the Greek legendary figure who soared high up to heaven to steal fire (light or knowledge) in order to deliver mankind in particular and whole creation on earth in general from darkness (ignorance). In the same way, the journal aims to generate spirit of creative flight among writers who with Promethean zeal of creativity, will be driven to serve larger sections of humanity through their write ups.The journal is an international half-yearly peer-reviewed open access e-journal in English. Presently it is inviting submissions in the field of literature and literary theory in the form of articles, book reviews, poems, short stories, travelogues and interviews without charging a single penny. However, all submission will undergo a strict and rigorous process of blind review where the identity of contributor will be held back from the reviewers. Only after passing the review process, the submission will be eligible for publication and the contributor will be notified about the selection of his or her submission prior to publication. The journal is intentionally kept open access so that it may serve as a storehouse of resources to all and sundry at free of cost and without access barrier. The main motto of this journal is to prefer quality to quantity and holds this motto all time in future.

Establishment Year: 2020
Frequency of the Journal: Half-Yearly (April & October)
Last Date for Submission: 31 March for April Issue & 30 September for October Issue
Time for Publication: April for 1st issue and October for 2nd issue
Area of Concern: Literature & Literary Theory

Vision & Mission of the Journal:
- To encourage academicians and writers to submit their write ups globally.
- To make materials published on this journal open access to all.
- To publish standard submission written as per the guidelines given in Submission Guidelines of Authors.
- To cover all creative souls, irrespective of rich and poor and in order to meet this goal, the publication in this journal is completely free of cost.
- To become one of the leading international journals sticking strictly to its policies.

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