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NOLEGEIN Journal of Human Resource Management & Development

SJIF 2025:
Under evaluation
Area: Social sciences
Evaluated version: online
Previous evaluation SJIF
2024: Not indexed
2023: 5.986
2022: 5.982
2021: 5.96
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Basic information  
Main title NOLEGEIN Journal of Human Resource Management & Development
ISSN 2581-9461 (E)
Country  India
Frequency Biannual
License Free for non-commercial use
Texts availability Free
Contact Details  
Editor-in-chief Management K.S. Meenakshisundaram
  Department of Management, GRT Group of Educational Institutions, Tiruttani.Tamil Nadu, India
Publisher MBA Journals, An Imprint Of Consortium E-Learning Network Pvt. Ltd.
  Ltd. A-118, 1st Floor, Sector-63, Noida, U.P. India, Pin – 201301
Journal's description  
About the Journal
NOLEGEIN Journal of Human Resource Management & Development [2581-9461(e)] is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2018 that provides a platform to discuss new issues in the area of Global HR. The journal also seeks to advance the quality of research by publishing papers introducing or elaborating on Human Resource Maintenance and Retention.

Papers Published

Publication Charge
Open Access
Focus and Scope
Education, Training, and Development Practices: Identifying Audience, Plan For Mobility, Flexibility & Accessibility, Leverage Rich Media, Interactive Activities, Engaging Script, Incorporating Assessments, Performance Improvement, Knowledge, Skills & Abilities.

Human Resource Maintenance and Retention: Labour Welfare, Economic Welfare, Recreational Measures, Physiological needs, Proper Wages, Mutual Trusteeship, Human Dignity, Personnel Audit, Retention rate, Intervene, Performance reviews, Cost reduction, Improved employee morale, Motivation-Hygiene Theory, and Job Characteristics Model.

Compensation Practices: Single-Rate Pay, Step-Rate Pay—Automatic & Variable, Pay Differentials, Employee Performance & Abilities, Shift differential, Hazard pay, Review employee compensation, Audits, Company Budget, Annual raise, and Base salaries.

Business Leadership: Delegation, Initiative, Goal setting, Goal setting, Integrity, Integrity, Self-awareness, Authoritative leadership, Bureaucratic leadership, Democratic leadership, Laissez-faire leadership, Strategic leadership, Transformational leadership, and Transactional leadership.

Consulting and Diversity: Contracts, Client management, Accounting, Office Management, Target market, Legal structure, Revenue & Expense, Invoice management, Collections, Tax considerations, Insurance, Managing diversity, Corporate strategy, Legal concerns, and Hiring.

Employee Relations: Positive relationship with employees, Proper work-life balance, Reasonable working hours, Workplace Conflicts, Workplace Safety, Pay Raise Requests, Employee satisfaction, Complaint response time, Workplace Bullying, Sense of obligation, In-role, and extra-role performance.

Ethics & Sustainability: Rules of conduct or Moral principles, Ethical behavior, Compliance and laws, Confidential or proprietary information, Conflicts of interest, Use of company assets, Accepting or providing gifts, gratuities, and entertainment, Adopt procedures for voluntary disclosure of violations of federal procurement laws, Participate in best-practice forums, Corporate social responsibility, Sustainable business practices and Going green business strategy.

Global HR: Talent acquisition, Financial services, Onboarding, Healthcare options, Employment screening, Workforce Management, Offshoring, Repatriation, International assignment management, Safety & Security, Labour Relations, Leadership, and Diversity.

Organizational & Employee Development: Organizational effectiveness, Organizational structure, Ongoing performance, and productivity initiatives, Organizational learning, Organization-Wide Talent Management, Career Management, Comparing skill sets, Cognitive, Technological, Divisional structure, and Positive behaviors.

Staffing Management: Identity, Recruit, Retain employees, Onboarding new hires, Direct hire staffing, Contract staffing, Quickly filling open roles, Faster company growth, Cost savings, Scheduling employees, Creating a timeline, Considering talent acquisition strategies, Iron out training materials and procedural documentation.

Technical impact on HRM: Improve internal processes, IT strategic plan, Innovation process, Identify solutions quickly and flexibly during a negotiation, Identify new ideas for products and services, Identify new markets, Enhance management, Effective recruiting, Online job postings, Tracking applications, and Ease of Communication.

Workforce Diversity Management: Creation of organizational climate, People working to the best of their potential, Rules out discrimination, Ability to Deal with Diverse Markets, Better Decision-Making, Better Human Relations, Building of Goodwill, Common Organisational Culture, Diversified Workforce, and Career Development Programmes.

HR Outsourcing: Cost savings, Integrated HR outsourcing, Single-process outsourcing, Development, maintenance, Operation of HR information systems, Employee & manager policy, Talent-sourcing strategy, Third-party organization, Risk Minimisation, Security of Data, Support & Compliance.

Employee Engagement & Employee Communication: Effective communication, Level of enthusiasm, Offering rewards, Discussing career advancement, Promotions for excellent work, Keeping employees informed about the company’s performance, Providing regular feedback, Engaged employees, and Emotional connection to the job.

Work-life balance: Personal & Professional lives, Creating work leisure plan, Leaving out activities consuming time, Outsourcing & Delegating work, Relaxation time, Prioritizing work, Increased motivation, Stressfree, Maximum Productivity, and Healthy Lifestyles.

Employee Satisfaction Survey: Employee morale, Satisfaction, and Involvement with the company Guarantee employees’ confidentiality, Clear language, Use of technology, Understand and improve productivity levels, Retain employees, and Understand training needs.

Open Access Statement
The NOLEGEIN Journal of Human Resource Management & Development (njhrmd) is an open-access (OA) publication which provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. All published works will be available to a worldwide audience, free, immediately upon publication. Publication in the journal is subject to payment of an article processing charge (APC). The APC serves to support the journal and ensures that articles are freely accessible online in perpetuity under a Creative Commons licenses.

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