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SJIF 2024:
Area: Arts & Humanities
Evaluated version: online
Previous evaluation SJIF
2023: 7.613
2022: 6.67
2021: 6.499
2020: 6.03
The journal is indexed in:
Basic information  
ISSN 2456-2696 (E)
Country  India
Frequency Quarterly
License Free for educational use
Texts availability Free
Contact Details  
Editor-in-chief Academic Prof Ratna Shiela Mani
  Acharya Nagarjuna University,Guntur,Andhra Pradesh,India
Publisher Oray's Publications
  P.Nainavaram,Ambapuram post,
Journal's description  
Research Journal Of English (RJOE) is a premier , leading and trust-worthy international peer-reviewed journal in English Language and Literature. Guided by an editorial board which boasts of academically-rich and research-oriented experts in the field of language and literature, the journal invites contributions of academicians and scholars from English language and Literature fields. The research papers can represent both theoretical and practical perspectives and methodological approaches. It is a platform for the publication of the most advanced research. Research Journal Of English is freely accessible and downloadable.

Research Journal Of English (RJOE) welcomes papers in the domain of English Language and Literature. It encourages scholars and teachers of English and Literature to contribute their papers in the fields of Language and its research, Literature and its Applications, Creative Writing, Linguistics, Accent, Poetry, Criticism, Phonetics, Literary Criticism, Philosophy of Language, Theater, Technical Communication, Culture Studies, Methodologies in Teaching and other topics related to English.

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