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International Journal of Life Sciences

SJIF 2024:
Under evaluation
Area: Natural science
Evaluated version: online
Previous evaluation SJIF
2023: 7.606
2022: 6.354
2021: 6.515
2020: 6.411
The journal is indexed in:
Basic information  
Main title International Journal of Life Sciences
ISSN 2550-6986 (E) / 2550-6994 (P)
Country  Ecuador
Frequency 3 times a year
License Free for non-commercial use
Texts availability Free
Contact Details  
Editor-in-chief Prof. Antonio Vázquez Pérez
  Environmental Training, Institute de Formaciónambiental, Bilbao, España
Publisher ScienceScholar
  Av. Urbina y Che Guevara, APARTADO: 82 Universidad Técnica de Manabí (Ecuador/South America) Phone : (05) 2635-611 FAX : (05) 2651-569 EXT : 111-115
Journal's description  
ScienceScholar (SS) Publishing is a non-profit international scientific association of distinguished scholars engaged in Life Sciences devoted to promoting researches field through digital technology. SS is a fast growing organization that aims to benefit the world, as much as possible, via technological innovations. The mission of SS is to encourage and conduct collaborative research in “state of the art” methodologies and technologies within its areas of expertise.

SS publishes high-quality reputation international journal for International Journal of Life Sciences (IJLS)

It as well as will organizes multidisciplinary conferences and workshop for academics and professionals and to get sponsors for supporting the activities. In addition, SS is involved in many international projects and welcomes collaborative work. The SS members include research excellent scientists, engineers, scholars, research, and development center heads, faculty deans, department heads, professors, university postgraduate engineering and science students, experienced hardware and software development directors, managers and engineers, linguist, management, etc.

SS is a large publishing of articles database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific research, books, and conference proceedings. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, SS membership and service features is smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research. As research becomes increasingly global, interdisciplinary and collaborative, you can make sure that critical research from around the world is not missed when you choose SS journals that reliable field to publish your paper.

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