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SJIF 2024:
Area: Social sciences
Evaluated version: print
Previous evaluation SJIF
2023: 8.683
2022: 8.389
2021: 8.257
2020: 7.9
The journal is indexed in:
Basic information  
ISSN 0970-3772 (P)
Country  India
Frequency Quarterly
License All rights reserved - no automatic licence
Texts availability Paid
Contact Details  
Editor-in-chief Prof. Dr. Hab. J.D. AGARWAL
  Indian Institute of Finance
Journal's description  
This is to inform you that FINANCE INDIA (ISSN : 0970 - 3772), The Quarterly Journal of Finance, published since 1987 regularly is a Blind Peer Review Journal having an Editorial Board of over 70 Experts from all over World including 6 Nobel Laureates. It is indexed and abstracted by more than 37+ agencies worldwide.

FINANCE INDIA is a Quarterly(refereed) journal of Finance of Indian Institute of Finance, published regularly since 1987. Each issue is of more than 400 pages. Some of the most prominent experts: Franco Modigliani, Merton H. Miller, Bob Merton, Bob Mundell, Douglass North, James Heckman, Rene Sultz, Dick Brealey, Jagdish Bhagwati are on the editorial board of the journal under the leadership of eminent researcher Prof. Dr. hab. J.D. Agarwal as its Editor-in-Chief.

I am glad to inform you that Finance India is Indexed and Abstracted by

- SCOPUS ; ABDC ; UGCs ; JEL ; Cabells; 3&+ Agencies Worldwide

- Finance India is placed at 4th out of 22,000+ Journals in SJIF Journal Rank Indexed by Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) with SJIF Impact Factor 2021 = 8.257

- Finance India is ranked 3rd WORLDWIDE among 79 finance institutions and also among 148 institutions (of finance, macro economics and labour & general labour micro-economics) by B&E Datalinks of American Statistical Association based on ratings for providing financial information & database .

- International Scientific Indexing (ISI) Indexation & Impact Factor of 1.812 (2020-21)

- Listed by UGC India (Group A UGC-CARE List 2019 No 75 & earlier as Code 1972 & 8198 till May 2018) ; UGC Hungary ; UGC Uzbekistan & by over 120+ Universities Worldwide.

- Scientific Index Services (SIS) Indexation & Impact Factor of 1.593 (2018)

- ICI World of Journals ICV (Index Copernicus Value) Index Factor 73.22 (2015)

- Finance India is indexed and abstracted by more than 36 agencies Worldwide

The journal is Indexed / Abstracted by 37+ agencies worldwide namely - the Cabells Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Accounting , Economics and Finance 1997-98 , International Biblography of Social Sciences of the London School of Economics & Political Sciences , EconLit, JEL on CD , e-JEL , the journal of Economic Literature , , Ulrich's Periodicals Directory™ , ISID Research Reference of Institute of Studies in Industrial Development , Gale Directory of Publications & Broadcast Media , FI-ICP ,Google Scholars, ProQuest, Online Public Access Catalogue of Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIM-A) , EDIRC , All India Index to Periodical Literature by Nexus Information Services Company(NISC) , British Library for Development Studies at IDS , Information Bulletin on Management (IIM-A) , Economic Journals on the Web,SOASEA(South Asia Economic Abstracts) of Information Research Group,FinanceWise, Social Science Information Gateway(SOSIG), FinanceStep, UGC Uzbekistan, UGC Hungary, Scientific Journal Index Factor (SJIF), ABDC (Australia Business Deans Council), International Scientific Indexing (ISI), Indian Citation Index (ICI), Index Copernicus International (ICI), French AERES (National Association for Scientific Research), EBSCO Publishing, UGC India [Group II 2020; Group A UGC-CARE List 2019 No 75 & Code 1972 & 8198 (till May 2018)] , SJF SCIMAGO Journal and Country Rank, SCOPUS and others. .

The journal is published in March, June, September and December (four times a year). The Journal also publishes Special Issues under MoU with Associations & Conferences and with special invitations to prominent Professors / Research Fellows as Guest Editor Issues.

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