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SJIF 2025:
Under evaluation
Area: Social sciences
Evaluated version: online
Previous evaluation SJIF
2024: Not indexed
2023: 6.107
2022: 6.109
2021: 6.358
The journal is indexed in:
Basic information  
Main title Simbiótica
ISSN 2316-1620 (E)
Country  Brazil
Frequency Biannual
License Free for non-commercial use
Texts availability Free
Contact Details  
Editor-in-chief Dra Miglievich
Publisher UFES
  Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514, IC II, Sl. 21 - Goiabeiras - Vitória - ES - Brasil - CEP 29075-910
Journal's description  
Focus and Scope

The Simbiótica journal is an scientific journal linked to the Indicial Studies and Research Center (NEI) and to the Social Sciences Department and Graduate Program of the Espírito Santo Federal University – Brazil. Directed to the academic community and society in general, it counts on associates from diverse fields of knowledge, such as: Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science, History, Psychoanalysis, Education, Philosophy, Lenguages, Arts, Psychology, Religion Science, Communication and others.

With the objective of transgressing the disciplinary boundaries, valuing the originality and creativity in works resulting from empirical research and/or theoretical discussion, Simbiótica publishes only unpublished works in the fields of Science, Art and Culture, recommending, especially for Scientific essays, that the contributions express the prism of complexity, that is, the fluent dialogue between diverses knowledge fields.

Complexity that seeks to articulate, reconnect, contextualize, globalize and gather acquired knowledge, while recognizing what is singular, individual and / or concrete. Complexity seeks to conceive articulation, identification, difference and dialectic between the various aspects of life, expressed simultaneously as physical, biological, psychic, social, cultural and spiritual. On the other hand, a simplifying knowledge, its opposite, proposes to separate each of these aspects, maintaining specialized knowledge, fragmented, reducing, unidimensional and compartmentalized. Therefore, from the perspective of Complex Thought, it will be necessary to break with the disciplinary, cognitive and epistemological differentiations and divisions. One should not confuse complexity with completeness; Since it is already known that complete knowledge is impossible. In fact, complexity is a routing to multidimensional knowledge. Complex Thought includes contradiction as a fundamental element of the knowledge process, preserving the principle that everything is at the same time its opposite.

The Simbiótica journal accepts, for publication, in the fields of Science: articles, essays, reviews, ethnographies and interviews. And in the Art and Culture field: poems, short stories, chronicles, literary reviews, theater, cinema and music reviews, photographic essays and analyzes, digital arts, plastic and visual arts, drawings, cartoons, among others.
It has biannual edition and continuous flow of works submission. Entries that have been submitted simultaneously in other journals are not accepted.

Its abbreviated title is Simbiótica, to be used in bibliographies, footnotes, legends and bibliographical references.

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