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SJIF 2024:
Under evaluation
Area: Social sciences
Evaluated version: online
Previous evaluation SJIF
2023: Not indexed
2022: 5.998
2021: 5.992
2020: 5.991
The journal is indexed in:
Basic information  
Main title SocioBrains
ISSN 2367-5721 (E)
Country  Bulgaria
Frequency Monthly
License No information
Texts availability Free
Contact Details  
Editor-in-chief Prof. DSc Sonya Ilieva
  Konstantin Preslavsky - University of Shumen
Publisher Veselina Nikolaeva Ilieva
  Ticha 1, str., Belokopitovo 9801, Bulgaria
Journal's description  
The purpose of this journal is through the powerful tools of modern communication and information systems to make the quickest way, the global scientific thought available to the public anywhere in the world.
The humanity is in the Third - Information Wave /A. Toffler/, when all things precious to him are realized and stored in electronic form. The typography invented in the 14th century by Johann Gutenberg, played its revolutionary mission for mass education of the humanity. The information technologies since the mid-20th century and in the occurred 21, also revolutionize the human civilization and put it on a higher intellectual peak. Today, into the space is traveling not "the global library" but a global information carrier that must submit to boundless and unknown worlds the most important signs of the human race.
In this spirit is created SocioBrains: Nowadays with lightning speed are transferred finance and world news, but the scientific developments follow the old ways of scientific conferences and publishing in paper form, that are usually produced in a period of 6 months to 1 year. It takes almost the same time for publishing in the specialized journals and collections.

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